Londoners to join rally at Queen’s Park to call for end to ‘hallway medicine’, Global News 980 CFPL, Oct 23
Posted: October 23, 2018
Londoners to join rally at Queen’s Park to call for end to ‘hallway medicine’
The front entrance of Ontario’s Legislative Building at Queen’s Park.
Nick Westoll / File / Global News
Londoners will be part of a massive rally at Queen’s Park Tuesday organized to call on the provincial government to end so-called “hallway medicine.”
The Ontario Health Coalition is bussing people in from across the province. It’s expected between 5,000 and 8,000 people in total will be on hand at the rally’s peak.
READ MORE: Londoners rally to end overcrowding in Ontario hospitals
“We’re really worried what [Premier Doug] Ford’s going to do with $22 billion in cuts to public service and the like,” said local coalition spokesperson, Jeff Hanks.
“We’re really concerned and we’re trying to pre-empt him and build a movement to say ‘Don’t touch our public health care or we will fight back,’” he said.
Hanks said two buses will leave at 9 a.m., one from Masonville Place, the other from the Salvation Army’s Centre of Hope on Wellington Street.
“Hopefully he’s going to back off on cutting and privatizing because we’re not going to go away,” he said,
“We’re going to keep fighting him tooth and nail because seniors have paid in to this for years and they deserve [better].”
“I know we can improve the situations, we’ve been cutting taxes for the rich and corporations for years and years and years.”