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Volunteer Opportunities

Note: Remote volunteering opportunities are available for all positions.

Volunteer to help in the fightback to protect, improve & expand Public Medicare for all

Across Ontario we have local health coalitions that work with us to hold media events, hold rallies and protests, lobby their local MPPs, do public education, leaflet and distribute materials, write reports and conduct research. Local coalitions work together and with us at the Ontario Health Coalition to set our plans together to save and improve public health care; stop cuts to and closure of local services; advocate to improve long-term care, home care and primary care among others, and stop privatization.

How to volunteer with your local health coalition: Here is the link with the list of local health coalitions. Please contact your local coalition and let them know you would like to volunteer.
If you do not have a local coalition in your area and want to help start one, please contact us at or 416-441-2502.

Fundraising Volunteer

The Fundraising Volunteer assists in our current signature fundraising events, such as the annual garlic fundraiser, merchandise sales, and outreach. We especially need volunteers to staff fundraising tables at various events; this commitment would be for a few hours at a time. You may volunteer to help with one or more of these; we’re flexible.

We understand that volunteering is about contributing to a cause, but we believe it is very important to allow our volunteers to take on tasks that interest them. This assures that volunteering with us is a fun experience, while allowing individuals to develop the skills and experience they are seeking.

How to Apply:
We are flexible and very happy to accommodate based on your availability. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer with the Ontario Health Coalition, please contact us at 416-441-2502 or by email at