News + Events
WEBINAR: Safe injection sites are under a major attack from the Ford government
(March 21, 2025) Here is a recording and resources from our webinar on safe injection sites with DJ Larkin, Executive Director of the Canadian Drug Policy Coalition. Safe injection sites, also known as overdose prevention sites and/or supervised consumption sites, are under a major attack from the Ford government who plans to close at least […]
Read MoreLong-term care advocates “shocked and disappointed” after court refuses to step in on Orchard Villa license extension
(March 14, 2025) By: Durham Radio News The Ontario Health Coalition (OHC) is expressing disappointment with the results of two key legal cases against Queen’s Park and the for-profit long-term care industry. The advocacy group had been challenging the province’s decision to grant a license extension for the operators of Pickering’s Orchard Villa building. As […]
Read MoreOntario Health Coalition vows to keep fighting after court setbacks on Bill 7 and Orchard Villa cases
(Mar 14, 2025) By: Joseph Goden, 93.3 myFM News/Classic Rock The Ontario Health Coalition says it’s “shocked and disappointed” following court rulings on two high-profile cases impacting elderly patients in Ontario. The coalition, along with the Advocacy Centre for the Elderly, challenged the constitutionality of Bill 7, the More Beds, Better Care Act – legislation […]
Read MoreAdvocacy groups won’t appeal Ontario court’s dismissal of Charter challenge to long-term care law
(March 13, 2025) By: Jennifer La Grassa, CBC News Under Bill 7, people can be put in homes they don’t choose, pay $400 a day to stay in hospital Advocacy organizations won’t appeal an Ontario court’s decision to dismiss their Charter challenge of the province’s long-term care (LTC) law, which allows hospitals to move people into […]
Read MoreTransfert forcé d’aînés : la Coalition ontarienne de la santé ne fera pas appel
(le 13 mars 2025) Par: Jean-François Morissette, Radio-Canada Les organisations de défense des droits des patients ontariens ne feront pas appel de la décision d’un tribunal ontarien de rejeter leur contestation de la loi provinciale sur les soins de longue durée, qui permet aux hôpitaux de transférer des patients vers des établissements qu’ils n’ont pas […]
Read MoreHealth coalition mulls appeal after LTC home court challenge denied
(March 13, 2025) By: The Trillium (behind a paywall) We held a press conference about the legal challenge on March 13, 2025, which was covered by The Trillium. Click here for the article
Read MoreHealthcare advocacy group fighting for better care for Ontario seniors
(March 13, 2025) By: Scott Lightfoot, CTV News Click here to watch the video clip
Read MoreHealth Coalition has Charter challenge dismissed
(March 13, 2025) By: Randy Thoms, CFOB 93.1 The Border A healthcare advocacy group has lost a Charter challenge of legislation that allows hospitals to send Alternate Level of Care patients to a long-term care home. The Ontario Health Coalition argued Bill 7 unfairly targeted seniors. However, an Ontario court judge dismissed the case, ruling […]
Read MoreRELEASE: Health Coalition shocked and disappointed with court rulings in Bill 7 Charter Challenge and Orchard Villa case; vows to continue the fight to protect the rights of the elderly
(March 13, 2025) Toronto – In a press conference this morning, the Ontario Health Coalition responded to court rulings in two cases impacting thousands of elderly hospital patients and long-term care residents in Ontario. The first case, known as the Bill 7 Charter Challenge, was brought by the Ontario Health Coalition and the Advocacy Centre […]
Read MoreShe paid $8,000 for cataract surgery at a private clinic on a doctor’s referral. She says no one told her OHIP had a free option
(March 13, 2025) By: Kenyon Wallace, The Toronto Star (behind a paywall) –> The first part of the article is as follows: The 85-year-old’s family is considering filing a complaint with the office of Ontario’s Patient Ombudsman, which received some 4,429 complaints in the 2023-24 fiscal year — the most since it opened in 2016. […]
Read MoreLEGAL CHALLENGE: Charter Challenge to Bill 7 “More Beds, Better Care Act”
(March 12, 2025) Background on Bill 7 Charter Challenge Cornerstone to our system of modern medicine is the principle of informed consent to which all patients have the right. This legal case is a Charter Challenge, known as a Constitutional Challenge or a Challenge under the Charter of Rights. It was brought by the Ontario […]
Read MoreRELEASE: Patients who have been extra-billed for surgeries in private for-profit clinics demand accountability in the Ontario election: Press conferences in towns across Ontario
(February 19, 2025) When he denied that his privatization plan would lead to two-tier medicare, Doug Ford promised unequivocally, “No Ontarian will ever have to pay with a credit card. They will pay with their OHIP card.” He garnered headlines across Ontario with that statement on January 11, 2023 while he announced his plans to […]
Read MoreHow Leamington hospital is trying to manage persistent overcapacity as patient volumes rise
(March 5, 2025) By: Sanjay Maru, CTV News Erie Shores Healthcare continues to operate over capacity, with occupancy levels exceeding 120 per cent for most of the past year — at times reaching as high as 170 per cent, hospital officials say. “Increased occupancy leads to increased wait times in emerge,” said Rashoo Brar, ESHC’s […]
Read MoreNatalie Mehra’s Powerful Message on Women’s Rights, Economic Justice, and the Fight Ahead
(March 3, 2025) By: Louise Mignault, The SDG&A Cornwall Seeker At the Cornwall & District Labour Council’s International Women’s Day 2025 dinner, Natalie Mehra, executive director of the Ontario Health Coalition, delivered a speech that wasn’t just insightful—it was a call to action. A room full of women listened intently as she laid out, in […]
Read MoreRally planned today against paid blood donation facility
(March 3, 2025) By: DP Staff, Durham Post Activist Durham residents, healthcare workers, labour leaders, and the Ontario Health Care Coalition plan to rally at the Grifols Centre in Whitby to protest today (Monday, March 3), the operation of a paid plasma facility. Organizers outlined their concerns regarding the for-profit plasma collection: For-profit plasma collection […]
Read MoreDozens rally against paid plasma donation clinic in Whitby, Ont., calling practice unethical
(March 3, 2025) By: Muriel Draaisma, CBC News Canadian Blood Services announced agreement to allow Spain-based company to open paid clinics in 2022 More than two dozen people rallied on Monday against a for-profit clinic in Whitby that pays people for plasma donations. Demonstrators marched outside the office of the Grifols Plasma Donation Centre, chanting […]
Read MoreOntario’s healthcare crisis deepens as Ford’s Tories accelerate privatization drive
(February 26, 2025) By: Steve Hill, Roger Jordan, World Socialist Web Site Ontarians go to the polls in Thursday’s provincial election amid an unprecedented healthcare crisis. Dilapidated and understaffed hospitals, the chronic shortage of family doctors and the abandonment of key public health measures are part of a disastrous situation produced by the austerity policies […]
Read MoreVote SDSG: Is the well of support for rural Ontario hospitals dry?
(February 26, 2025) By: Shawna O’Neill, Cornwall Standard-Freeholder SDG has two rural hospitals, each of which has faced financial and staffing challenges since the last Ontario election. We asked Stormont—Dundas—South Glengarry candidates to offer their solutions. Of the 136 public hospitals in Ontario, 56 are considered rural. Stormont—Dundas—South Glengarry has one rural hospital in its […]
Read MoreNickel Belt’s NDP candidate touts the value of a caregiver benefit
(February 25, 2025) By: Star Staff and Canadian Press, The Sudbury Star ‘Caregivers pick up the slack that our privatized homecare system leaves,’ France Gelinas says France Gelinas, the NDP candidate for Nickel Belt, says her party would introduce a caregiver benefit if it forms the next provincial government. “The NDP recognizes the value caregivers […]
Read MoreOntario election: Will Doug Ford’s blue wave envelop Sudbury?
(February 24, 2025) By: Mary Katherine Keown, The Sudbury Star The PCs last held the riding almost 40 years ago but analysts are predicting a close race with the NDP. Meanwhile, housing, health care and boosting mining are top city concerns There is a lot going on in the world right now, but as the […]
Read MoreDoug Ford has taken a wrecking ball to Hamilton health care
(February 25, 2025) By Dr. Nancy Olivieri, Michael Hurley and Natalie Mehra, Hamilton Spectator Dr. Nancy Olivieri is a Hamilton-born physician and professor at the University of Toronto. Michael Hurley is president, Ontario Council of Hospital Unions, and a member of CUPE’s national executive board. Natalie Mehra is executive director, Ontario Health Coalition. About 40 years […]
Read MoreUnion members rally outside St. Michael’s Hospital over claims of 750 job cuts
(February 24, 2025) By: Alex Flood, TorontoToday Union members say Toronto’s hospitals are already running on a ‘skeleton staff’ — but hospital officials say job cut claims are ‘grossly inaccurate’ Union members supporting hospital workers rallied in front of St. Michael’s Hospital on Monday where they voiced anger over allegations the health-care centre plans to cut 750 […]
Read MoreHow Doug Ford’s Policies Are Damaging Ontario’s Healthcare System
(February 24, 2025) By: Rumneek Johal, PressProgress Ontario patients are suffering from hallway medicine, nursing shortages, chronic underfunding and more under Doug Ford ANALYSIS How Doug Ford’s Policies Are Damaging Ontario’s Healthcare System Ontario patients are suffering from hallway medicine, nursing shortages, chronic underfunding and more under Doug Ford by Rumneek Johal, Reporter February 24, […]
Read MoreOntario election: Will Doug Ford’s blue wave envelop Sudbury?
(February 24, 2025) By: Mary Katherine Keown, The Sudbury Star The PCs last held the riding almost 40 years ago but analysts are predicting a close race with the NDP. Meanwhile, housing, health care and boosting mining are top city concerns There is a lot going on in the world right now, but as the […]
Read More‘Dramatic’ Staff Shortages in Hospitals
(February 21, 2025) By: Saima Desai, The Grind Nurses and patients are barely getting by after years of real-dollar cuts to hospital funding Some days when Krishna comes home from a shift he looks in the mirror and asks himself, “why did I choose to be a nurse?” After three years working in a hospital […]
Read MoreJustice Denied & No Improvements After LTC Disaster
(February 21, 2025) By: Saima Desai, The Grind Thousands of seniors died in Ontario’s long-term care homes during the COVID pandemic. One daughter calls Doug Ford’s actions since then “a slap in the face.” The last time Cathy Parkes saw her dad alive, it was through the second-floor window of a long-term care home where […]
Read MoreONTARIO ELECTION 2025: Barrie-area advocates express disappointment, frustration over lack of all-candidate debates, engagement ahead of provincial election
(February 20, 2025) By: Brett Glover, Barrie Advance Have you had a chance to get to know your local candidates ahead of the provincial election? If not, you’re not alone. There is a noted lack of all-candidate debates in local ridings this go-around, and that lack of engagement has some interested parties worried about setting […]
Read MoreThessalon rally demands better health care
(February 20, 2025) By: CTV News Dozens of people gathered in Thessalon on Wednesday to demand better health-care services from whomever wins the Feb. 27 election. Click here for the video coverage.
Read MoreThessalon se mobilise pour sauver son hôpital
(le 19 février 2025) Par: Isaac Adams, Radio-Canada Face aux fermetures répétées de leur service d’urgence et à la perte de lits d’hospitalisation, les habitants de Thessalon intensifient leur lutte pour sauver leur hôpital. Après des années de fermetures intermittentes de son service d’urgence et la perte temporaire – mais jamais rétablie – de ses […]
Read MoreIs it Possible to End Hallway Medicine?
(February 19, 2025) By: Steve Paikin, TVO The Agenda In 2018, Doug Ford promised to end overcrowding in hospitals so that patients aren’t relegated to hallways and other unconventional areas. Each party leader during this election has pledged considerable health care spending. Including more primary care doctors, and additional beds. But there may not be […]
Read More‘Right away. It’s overdue’: Crombie pledges immediate funding for Peel Memorial to end Brampton’s hallway healthcare crisis
(February 19, 2025) By: Muhammad Hamza, The Pointer In September of 2020, when Brampton was still the epicentre of Ontario’s worst pandemic infection spread, Doug Ford called out the city’s distracted mayor, Patrick Brown — who had been more concerned with during the lockdown and forcing staff to work on a federal Conservative leadership campaign […]
Read More‘Right away. It’s overdue’: Crombie pledges immediate funding for Peel Memorial to end Brampton’s hallway healthcare crisis
(February 19, 2025) By: Muhammad Hamza, The Pointer This is a snippet of the full article, which can be found here. Brampton Civic Hospital only has 645 beds, not nearly enough to serve its growing population. This influx has put immense pressure on medical services. Despite the growing demand, Brampton still has only one full-service […]
Read MoreDo Voters Still Care About Hallway Medicine?
(February 19, 2025) By: TVO Today In 2018, Doug Ford promised to end overcrowding in hospitals so that patients aren’t relegated to hallways and other unconventional areas. Each party leader during this election has pledged considerable health care spending. Including more primary care doctors, and additional beds. But there may not be a one-size-fits-all solution. […]
Read MoreThessalon residents and Ontario Health Coalition rally to save local hospital
(February 19, 2025) By: Maggie Kirk, The Sault Star Thessalon residents fear the decline of local healthcare, rallying with OHC and CUPE to demand action ahead of the provincial election. The North Shore Health Network distances itself from the protest. Mary Jane Thompson was born in the Thessalon Hospital. Now, she fears that she won’t […]
Read MoreProtesters rally to save Thessalon Hospital
(February 19, 2025) By: Lisa Rene-de-Cotret, Over 100 protesters braved -13 C weather to demonstrate their support for the hospital serving a community of 1,400 people who worked a decade to establish it THESSALON – Members of the community are engaged in a determined effort to preserve their hospital and reinstate its services. The […]
Read More‘So wrong’ — Windsor patients billed extra for OHIP-covered eye surgeries
(February 19, 2025) By: Trevor Wilhelm, Windsor Star Voters need to use the ballot box, advocates say, to take a stand against what they call an increasingly privatized health care system where patients are upsold and “extra-billed.” “I’m out $1,180 because the health care system is underfunded and private clinics are being pushed on us […]
Read MoreThird hospital and more than 600 beds needed to ease ‘significantly strained’ health care in Brampton, council says
(February 19, 2025) By: Ryan Rumbolt, In Brampton City council is calling on the province to commit to building a third hospital and ease Brampton’s “significantly strained” health care system and now that there’s a landowner on board. Brampton Civic Hospital is the city’s only full-service health care facility, and even the promised Peel Memorial […]
Read MoreIn rural Ontario where health-care is hurting, voters decry PC candidates missing debates
(February 19, 2025) By: Andrew Lupton, CBC News Issues of access driving questions at public forums that PCs aren’t there to answer Tonight health care will once again be top-of-mind for residents of Walkerton, Ont. With eight days to go before a provincial election and only four weeks after hundreds of people lined up in […]
Read MoreThessalon Rallies to the Highway
(February 19, 2025) By: Gordon Graham, Shore Report Special Correspondent Demonstration keeps up the pressure to save Thessalon hospital Saving the Thessalon hospital has emerged as the top issue for that North Shore town in the current Ontario election. On February 19, about 100 people marched from the hospital to the nearby Trans-Canada Highway, waving […]
Read MorePatients being upsold and pressured to pay more for cataract surgery, they say
(February 18, 2025) By: Elizabeth Payne, Ottawa Citizen Cataract surgery is covered under OHIP, but patients say officials from private clinics strongly imply the OHIP lenses are inferior quality to more expensive ones. Ottawa patients say they have been upsold and pressured to spend hundreds, even thousands, of extra dollars on cataract surgery, despite a […]
Read MoreOntario Health Coalition wants extra fees charged for OHIP-covered cataract surgery made an election issue
(February 18, 2025) By: Rusty Thomson, AM800 CKLW The Ontario Health Coalition is asking for more accountability from the province as it shines a light on hundreds of dollars in extra expenses that some patients are being charged as part of cataract surgery in a private clinic. The OHC held a news conference in Windsor […]
Read MoreOntario Health Coalition says privatization should be a top election issue
(February 18, 2025) By: Maureen Revait, Windsor News Today The Ontario Health Coalition is calling on all political parties to make their positions on the privatization of healthcare services known prior to next week’s election. The coalition insists moving cataract eye surgeries to clinics outside the hospital has led to extra fees for patients throughout […]
Read MoreWindsor eye patients speak out against extra billing at private clinics, call for accountability
(February 18, 2025) By: Sanjay Maru, CTV News Windsor Patients in Windsor are calling for accountability over extra billing for cataract surgeries at private clinics, arguing that they were improperly charged for services that should have been covered under OHIP. At a press conference Tuesday, the Ontario Health Coalition (OHC) highlighted cases of Windsor residents […]
Read More‘So wrong’ — Windsor patients billed extra for OHIP-covered eye surgeries
(February 18, 2025) By: Trevor Wilhelm, Windsor Star Voters need to use the ballot box, advocates say, to take a stand against what they call an increasingly privatized health care system where patients are upsold and “extra-billed.” “I’m out $1,180 because the health care system is underfunded and private clinics are being pushed on us […]
Read MoreKeep urgent care in smaller communities, Niagara residents tell Ontario party leaders
(February 16, 2025) By: Justin Chandler, CBC News Some Niagara voters want the next government to reverse plans to close Fort Erie’s urgent care centre For Jude Campbell, a Fort Erie, Ont., resident with heart trouble, “it’s just scary,” knowing the closest emergency room is at least a 30-minute drive away. There is no hospital […]
Read MoreGrey Bruce Health Coalition drives election pressure
(February 13, 2025) By: South Grey News The Grey Bruce Health Coalition, a volunteer-driven non-partisan organization committed to strengthening Ontario’s healthcare system, ensuring adequate primary, emergency and hospital care and opposing privatization of the system, has been busy during Ontario’s election campaign drawing voters’ attention to healthcare system deficiencies and calling on candidates to explain how they […]
Read More‘Such crisis;’ healthcare needs to be addressed by next provincial leader
(February 12, 2025) By: Matt Betts, Cambridge Cambridge is short approximately 10 to 15 family doctors to serve everyone who needs one Here come the promises. As provincial party leaders make stops on the campaign trail leading up to the Feb. 27 election, they’re sharing their solutions to issues ranging from homelessness to healthcare. It’s the latter […]
Read MoreCaught in the waiting game: Ontario’s health system at a standstill
(February 11, 2025) By: Izza Adil, The Chronicle “I feel beyond hopeless. I’m tired of trying,” said Laura Rostron, a York Region patient with an eating disorder who was referred for care twice, in November and December 2024. “Things are not great and the time frame that I’ve gotten for just the consultation alone is […]
Read MoreDes manifestants dénoncent le bilan de la ministre de la Santé
(le 8 février 2025) Par: Le téléjournal Ontario, Radio-Canada Ils se sont présentés devant le bureau de circonscription de Sylvia Jones, samedi. Click here for the original video
Read MoreHallway Medicine. Endless Wait Times. Overworked Staff. Ontario’s Healthcare System is Facing It’s ‘Worst Crisis’ Ever.
(February 6, 2025) By: Rumneek Johal, PressProgress ‘Healthcare in Ontario has never been in such disarray’, experts say Healthcare advocates and labour unions in Ontario say “years of underfunding” have left Ontario’s healthcare system in critical condition. Despite Doug Ford’s promise to “end hallway medicine” in 2018, Ontario’s council of hospital unions says there has […]
Read MoreDoug Ford’s destruction of public healthcare in Ontario
(February 5, 2025) By: Doreen Nicoll, First elected after promising to “end hallway medicine,” Doug Ford’s tenure as premier has seen emergency rooms closed and the public system pillaged through privatization. Seven years under the stewardship of Doug Ford and Ontario’s healthcare system has been brought to the brink of collapse. Another four years […]
Read MoreGrey Bruce Health Coalition will co-sponsor protest at Minister of Health’s riding office
(February 3, 2025) By: John Butler, South Grey News From the point of view of civic mobilization, it will be very warm in Orangeville on Saturday February 8, and folks from Grey County will be there to help apply the heat on behalf of publicly funded and managed health care in Ontario. The Grey Bruce […]
Read MoreOntario Green Party leader talks rural health care in Chesley, Hanover
(January 31, 2025) By: Rob Gowan, Owen Sound Sun Times Ontario Green Party Leader Mike Schreiner said Friday in Chesley he is committed to investing in health care in rural Ontario. Schreiner and Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound Green Party candidate Joel Loughead spoke to about 15 people outside the Chesley hospital, which has been representative of health-care […]
Read MorePCs announce plan to solve doctor shortage by 2029
(January 28, 2025) By: Alan S. Hale, Just before an election where Ontario’s family doctor shortage is likely to be a major line of attack against the incumbent PCs, they’ve announced a plan they say would fix it EDITOR’S NOTE: This article originally appeared on The Trillium, a Village Media website devoted exclusively to covering […]
Read MoreOntario court dismisses Charter challenge of law designed to free up hospital beds
(January 28, 2025) By: CHCH News and Canadian Press An Ontario court has dismissed a Charter challenge of a controversial law that allows hospitals to place discharged patients into nursing homes they didn’t choose and charge those who refuse the transfer $400 per day to remain in a hospital bed. Superior Court Justice Robert Centa […]
Read MoreRELEASE: Ford government’s primary care announcement plays politics with people’s need for a family doctor: It’s a primary care “plan” to implement a plan delayed until the cusp of an election
(January 27, 2025) Toronto – No matter how anyone tries to spin the numbers, the actual data from sources not tainted by politics, show that more than a million Ontarians have lost their family doctor since before the Ford government was elected, reports the Ontario Health Coalition. In 2016, before the Ford government was elected […]
Read MoreCharter challenge of Ontario’s controversial long-term care law thrown out by court
(January 24, 2025) By: Jennifer La Grassa, CBC News An Ontario court has thrown out a Charter challenge of a long-term care law that allows hospitals to move people into homes they didn’t choose, or charge them $400 a day if they want to go elsewhere. The case — brought forward by the Advocacy Centre […]
Read MoreCrushing hospital debt, lotteries for family doctors paint picture of a health system under pressure
(January 9, 2025) By: Elizabeth Payne, Ottawa Citizen “We couldn’t squeeze any more out of the budget and we went into deficit,” said one hospital CEO to members of Ontario’s Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs. From small hospitals taking on debt to stay afloat to patients entering lotteries to find a new doctor, […]
Read MoreINFORMATION: Public Hearings on Ontario’s 2025 Budget (Pre-budget Consultations) Notice
(January 7, 2025) On this page, you can find the following information about the Ontario pre-budget consultations: Information about the pre-budget consultations List of hearing dates and deadlines to apply for standing Key messages on the Ford government’s handling of the budget Facts and figures The Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs will meet […]
Read More2024 Top 10 stories: Durham Hospital saga continues
(December 28, 2024) By: Staff The saga of ER closures at the Durham Hospital was the 5th most-read news story of 2023. In 2024, not only did the saga continue, but it was elevated with a very sober announcement. On April 24, 2024, the South Bruce Grey Hospital Centre (SBGHC) announced that it will […]
Read MoreBLOG: Personal note: holiday reflection on US & Canada events & a thank you
posted December 23, 2024
(December 23, 2024) As I sit down to write a holiday message to you that I hope has some meaning, I am thinking about a couple of ground shaking events that have happened in the last few weeks, one in the U.S. and one here. In the United States, Luigi Mangione has been charged in […]
Read MoreBRIEFING NOTES, VIDEO: Hospital discharges, the rights of patients & their substitute decision-makers
(December 20, 2024) Here is a recording and resources from our webinar “No Room at the Inn: Hospital discharges, what rights do patients & their substitute decision-makers have?” with Jane Meadus, lawyer and advocate at the Advocacy Centre for the Elderly and Natalie Mehra, executive director of the Ontario Health Coalition. The focus of the […]
Read MoreProtesters shame Ontario government during pre-budget consultations
(December 17, 2024) By: Rob Ross, The battle cries of ‘shame’ and ‘Doug Ford’s Gotta Go’ filled the sidewalk outside the front of the Arden Park Hotel in Stratford on Monday morning as groups concerned about the lack of commitment to education and healthcare voiced their displeasure with the provincial premier. The tone of the protest […]
Read MoreProtest against health care, education cuts held in Stratford
(December 16, 2024) By: Bill Atwood, The Stratford Beacon Herald Chants of “hey hey, ho ho, Doug Ford has got to go” rang out in front of the Arden Park Hotel Monday morning as some Stratford residents and others from across Southwestern Ontario gathered outside where the province’s standing committee on finance and economic affairs […]
Read MoreHealthcare protest planned for Stratford pre-budget meeting
(December 16, 2024) By: Eric Thompson, Those fed up with cuts to the Ontario healthcare system will have an opportunity to share their thoughts this morning at a provincial pre-budget hearing. The Ontario Health Coalition is organizing a demonstration Monday morning in Stratford ahead of scheduled budget consultations. Co-chair of the London Health Coalition […]
Read MorePrivatization ‘death knell’ to healthcare
(December 5, 2024) By: Mike Baker, The Highlander The Ontario Council of Hospital Unions (OCHU-CUPE) made a pit stop in Haliburton County last week armed with a 20-foot replica of the mythical Trojan Horse, which figurehead Michael Hurley said symbolizes the danger privatization poses to public healthcare. Demonstrations were held in Minden and Haliburton Nov. […]
Read MoreTrojan Horse Tour — fighting healthcare privatization one community at a time
(December 4, 2024) By: Elizabeth Oakley, CKHA-FM A giant snowstorm that brought travel in many northern Ontario communities to a stand-still late last week also cut short the Ontario Health Council’s Trojan Horse Tour. After visiting both Minden and Haliburton on November 28, the threat of blizzard conditions caused organizers to call off visits to […]
Read MoreTrojan Horse rolls through Haliburton
(December 3, 2024) By: Emily Stonehouse, The Haliburton County Echo “A poison gift.” That’s the phrase used by Michael Hurley, the president of the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions (OCHU), in reference to the infamous Trojan Horse. “It’s an excellent metaphor for the privatization of healthcare in our province,” he said. According to the myths […]
Read More2024 worst year for Ontario ER closures, CBC analysis finds
(December 2, 2024) By: Julie Ireton, Valerie Ouellet, CBC News 1 out of every 5 hospitals with an ER or urgent care centre had unplanned shutdowns Timing was everything for Bruce Pieroway when he suffered a heart attack in late October in the rural farming community of Chesley, Ont., about two hours north of Kitchener. […]
Read More‘One ER closure is too many’
(November 27, 2024) By: CTV News London The Ontario Health Coalition brought a Trojan horse to Durham to protest health care cuts, CTV London’s Scott Miller reports. Click here for the video report
Read MoreCUPE’s Trojan Horse Tour stops in Barrie
(November 27, 2024) By: CTV News Barrie Health care advocates bring a giant trojan horse to Barrie’s City Hall to protest privatization. Click here to view video coverage
Read MoreTrojan Horse rolls into Barrie to warn against privatized health care
(November 27, 2024) By: Bradford Today Symbolizing the threat of the plan to privatize hospital surgeries, a 15-foot replica of the Trojan Horse visited Barrie City Hall on Wednesday afternoon. The metaphor was deployed by CUPE’s Ontario Council of Hospital Unions (OCHU-CUPE) and the Ontario Health Coalition, who are asking that the Ford government cancel […]
Read MoreMidland ‘Trojan Horse’ event cancelled due to stormy weather
(November 28, 2024) By: MidlandToday Staff CUPE’s Ontario Council of Hospital Unions (OCHU-CUPE), Ontario Health Coalition event had been slated for Friday afternoon On Friday afternoon, a 15-foot wooden Trojan Horse was expected to visit Midland town hall to symbolize “the duplicity of the Ontario PCs hospital services’ privatization plan.” But it turns out Trojan […]
Read More‘Trojan Horse tour’ makes stop in Durham to shed light on ER closures
(November 27, 2024) By: Scott Miller, CTV News London A sign of contempt for the government’s healthcare decisions arrived in Durham Wednesday. A community that’s lost all its inpatient hospital beds and overnight ER hours, all within the past several months. “We need to stop this now, or I don’t think we’ll be able to […]
Read MoreOntario Health Coalition Trojan Horse trots into Durham to protest health care privatization
(November 28, 2024) By: South Grey News Members of the Grey Bruce Health Coalition and their supporters, including co-chairs Nora Beatty and Brenda Scott rolled into Durham on November 27 with a 15 foot fibreglass replica of the famous Trojan Horse of Greek mythology. Nora Beatty referenced the tale of the original Trojan Horse used […]
Read MoreCUPE’s giant Trojan Horse, protest coming to Barrie City Hall tomorrow
(November 26, 2024) By: Bradford Today You might notice a giant horse in front of Barrie City Hall on Wednesday. As part of a provincewide “Trojan Horse tour,” CUPE’s Ontario Council of Hospital Unions (OCHU-CUPE) and the Ontario Health Coalition are calling for an end to ongoing privatization of hospital surgeries and diagnostic tests. They are demanding […]
Read MoreFACT SHEET, BRIEFING NOTE & VIDEOS: What is Public Medicare and how did Canadians achieve it?
(November 27, 2024) Fact Sheet The History of Public Medicare What is Public Medicare? Public Medicare is the public health care system in Canada which is funded through our taxes. When you see a doctor or visit the hospital for medically necessary services using your OHIP card, you are using Public […]
Read MorePatients placed in hallway pods as hospital deals with overcrowding in Mississauga
(November 26, 2024) By: Karen Longwell, Insauga A recent post on social media highlights the issue of overcrowding as patients are in makeshift hallway pods in a Mississauga hospital. Overcrowding is familiar to anyone who has visited Credit Valley Hospital recently. A post on Reddit shows a patient pod in the hallway. The poster said […]
Read MoreOntario government plan ‘dangerous for our public hospitals,’ says CUPE
(November 25,2024) By: Ray Spiteri, NiagaraFallsReview (behind a paywall) –> The first part of the article is as follows: CUPE and the local health coalition rallied against privatization of hospital services in downtown Niagara Falls Monday. CUPE’s Ontario Council of Hospital Unions and the Ontario Health Coalition demonstrate in Niagara Falls Monday with a Trojan […]
Read MoreEVENT: 2025 Health Action Assembly
(November 20, 2024) Ontario Health Coalition Health Action Assembly & Annual Conference In person: Central YMCA, 20 Grosvenor Street, Toronto or by Zoom for those who want to participate virtually (from home by computer) Saturday January 25 & Sunday January 26 10 am – 4:30 pm 9 am – 12:30 pm The […]
Read MoreHealthcare Trojan Horse coming to Grey-Bruce this month
(November 15, 2024) By: Postmedia News A 15-foot Trojan Horse meant to symbolize concerns about the direction of healthcare in the province will be hauled throughout Grey-Bruce this month. The Ontario Council of Hospital Unions’ Trojan Horse has been touring the province to decry what the organization calls the defunding and underfunding of local hospital […]
Read MoreWindsor Regional Hospital fundraiser aims to pay for key hospital equipment
(November 13, 2024) By: CBC News The foundation that benefits the Windsor Regional Hospital is making an urgent fundraising appeal to buy new patient equipment. It might come as a surprise to some that while the province pays for hospital operations and infrastructure, foundations like the one benefiting Windsor’s largest hospital step in to purchase new […]
Read MoreFACT SHEET: What cataract surgery patients can and cannot be charged for
(November 14, 2024) Anyone in Ontario can make a complaint or ask questions by calling toll-free at 1-888-662-6613 or by emailing The Ontario Health Coalition receives many complaints from patients who report being charged hundreds to thousands of dollars for medically necessary cataract surgery. This fact sheet is not legal advice but seeks to […]
Read MoreWEBINAR: What does OHIP cover? Which patient charges are allowed and which are not allowed?
(November 14, 2024) Anyone in Ontario can make a complaint or ask questions by calling toll-free at 1-888-662-6613 or by emailing WEBINAR: What does OHIP cover? Which patient charges are allowed and which are not allowed? Our webinar with Ontario Health Coalition executive director Natalie Mehra delves into how private clinics are embedding […]
Read MoreCUPE, Health Coalition protest surgery privatization with Trojan Horse at Oakville Hospital
(November 12, 2024) By: Laura Steiner, The Milton Reporter A 15-foot Trojan Horse replica appeared outside Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital recently. CUPE’s Ontario Council of Hospital Unions (OCHU-CUPE) and the Ontario Health Coalition deployed it as a symbol of their opposition to the Ford government’s plan to privatize hospital surgeries. The two organizations are urging […]
Read MoreTrojan Horse to warn about private health care
(November 12, 2024) By: Janice MacKay, CKNX NewsToday A 15 foot replica of the famous Trojan Horse will arrive in midwestern Ontario later this month to put the spotlight on the challenges facing Ontario’s health care system. Brenda Scott of the Grey Bruce Health Coalition explained that during the Trojan war in the 12th century […]
Read MoreANALYSIS & FACT CHECKER: Quick Facts & Analysis + Fact Checker: Ford government’s health care funding
(November 10, 2024) Quick Facts & Analysis What is the Ford government doing re. health funding & what it means On October 30, the Ford government released its Fall Economic Statement. With high-rotation ads everywhere (paid by taxpayers) touting the record of the Ford government, and rumours of a spring election in the air, […]
Read MoreTrojan Horse Highlights Risks of Healthcare Privatization
(November 9, 2024) By: Jason Setnyk, Seaway News On November 4, the Ontario Health Coalition, alongside local healthcare advocates, staged a media event at Cornwall Community Hospital. A striking 15-foot Trojan Horse was at the heart of the demonstration, symbolizing what activists view as the hidden dangers of privatizing healthcare services. The wooden horse, reminiscent […]
Read MoreTrojan Horse joins the call to end privatization of Ontario hospital services
(November 8, 2024) By: Skylar Soroka, The Journal – Queen’s University A 15-foot long Trojan Horse trotted to Kingston Health Sciences Centre (KHSC) to call for an end of privatized healthcare in Ontario. The horse was seen on Stuart St. on Nov. 7 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., where approximately 30 hospital workers and […]
Read MoreHealthcare workers protest privatization in Kingston with “Trojan Horse”
(November 9, 2024) By: Owen Fullerton, YGK News CUPE’s Ontario Council of Hospital Unions (OCHU-CUPE) and the Ontario Health Coalition brought their “Trojan Horse” tour to Kingston on Thursday. The demonstration has been making stops throughout the province, likening the Ontario Conservative government’s plan of privatizing certain surgeries to the Trojan Horse story from Greek […]
Read More‘They’re not an add-on, they’re a take away’: Trojan horse of privatized health care stops in Smiths Falls
(November 8, 2024) By: Taylor Clark, Smith Falls Record News Members of the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions and the Ontario Health Coalition gather outside the Perth and Smiths Falls District Hospital with a 15-foot Trojan horse in protest of the Ford government’s push toward privatization. A 15-foot wooden Trojan horse representing the privatization of […]
Read MoreStrong turnout for health care privatization ‘Trojan Horse tour’
(November 7, 2024) By: Millstone News Organizers of the Trojan Horse tour were impressed with the turnout in Almonte this week. Many community members and local CUPE employees from Almonte General were in support at today’s rally. To protest the Ford government’s privatization of our public hospital services, the CUPE Ontario Council of Hospital Unions […]
Read MoreGroup Health Centre physician retirement to leave 1,500 more patients without primary care MD
(November 5, 2024) By: Jeffrey Ougler, The Sault Star GHC taking ‘proactive measures’ to manage transition and shoulder increased demand for Access Care Clinic following Dr. Michael Keating’s December departure The upcoming retirement of a veteran Group Health Centre family physician will affect approximately 1,500 patients, GHC says. Dr. Michael Keating, a family physician there […]
Read MoreThe Trojan Horse of healthcare privatization in Hawkesbury
(November 5, 2024) By: Philipp Oddi, Penticton Herald Making its trip through Ontario, the 15-foot Trojan Horse representing the privatization of healthcare stopped in front of the Hawkesbury and District General Hospital on the morning of November 4. The wooden structure has been invoking conversation around the increased reliance on private health clinics in the […]
Read MoreThe Trojan Horse of healthcare privatization in Hawkesbury
(November 5, 2024) By: Philip Oddi, The Review Making its trip through Ontario, the 15-foot Trojan Horse representing the privatization of healthcare stopped in front of the Hawkesbury and District General Hospital on the morning of November 4. The wooden structure has been invoking conversation around the increased reliance on private health clinics in the […]
Read MoreOntario Health Coalition’s trojan horse stops at Cornwall Community Hospital
(November 4, 2024) By: Shawna O’Neill, Cornwall Standard-Freeholder It isn’t the first time the Ontario Health Coalition’s 4.5 metre (15-foot) wooden trojan horse has come to the region, according to co-chair of the Cornwall/SDG chapter of the Ontario Health Coalition, Elaine MacDonald. “At that time, we were alarmed because of what the Liberals had been […]
Read MoreHealth coalition demands answers on why home-care patients left short of vital supplies for weeks
(November 1, 2024) by: Joanna Frketich (Hamilton Spectator) The president of a medical supply company went out on deliveries in Hamilton and Niagara last weekend to talk to home-care patients about a provincewide crisis that has left them without vital medical provisions. Bayshore HealthCare confirmed that founder Stuart Cottrelle personally delivered supplies to patients in […]
Read MoreRELEASE: Health Coalition fully supports bill banning 2-tier clinics, increasing fines and expanding public access
(October 24, 2024) The Ontario Health Coalition is calling for Ontarians to put their full support behind a new Private Member’s Bill introduced by Liberal Health Critic Dr. Adil Shamji to be debated in the Legislature this evening. Almost a full year ago, Health Minister Sylvia Jones promised to take action to stop private clinics […]
Read MoreCourt to hear licence challenge for long-term care home with high COVID-19 death rate
(October 17, 2024) By: CBC News Toronto A health-care advocacy group challenging Ontario’s decision to grant a new licence to a Pickering long-term care home where more than 70 residents died during the COVID-19 pandemic will be heard by a panel of judges Thursday. The Ontario Health Coalition (OHC) is set to argue the province’s approval of a […]
Read MoreOntario government faces court challenge over Orchard Villa expansion
(October 16, 2024) By: Afua Baah, CityNews Toronto Cathy Parkes’ father was a resident of Orchard Villa long-term care home in Pickering. He died of COVID-19 in April 2020, but Cathy said the state in which her father lived his final days was deplorable. “The conditions surrounding his death were very traumatic for my family […]
Read MoreADVISORY: Press Conference: Court challenge to be heard Thursday re. Ford Government’s expansion & new 30-yr license for Southbridge’s Orchard Villa, for-profit long-term care with reprehensible record
(October 15, 2024) Toronto – On Thursday, a panel of judges at the Ontario Divisional court will hear a court challenge brought by the daughter of a deceased resident and the Ontario Health Coalition seeking a judicial review of the Ford government’s decision to grant an 88-bed expansion and new 30-year license for the 233-bed […]
Read MoreNon-acute patients blocking ‘scarce and precious’ hospital beds, Ontario argues in Bill 7 defence
(September 24, 2024) By: Jack Hauen, The Trillium Ontario must make “heartbreaking” decisions about how to allocate hospital care, “a scarce and precious and finite resource,” a government lawyer argued Tuesday. The Ford government was in court defending a law that sets out fines for some hospital patients who refuse to move into long-term care […]
Read MoreOntario Health Coalition amplifying Rainy River District’s distress calls
(September 26, 2024) By: Ken Kellar, NWO NewsWatch FORT FRANCES — A network of community organizations across Ontario are using their platform to amplify the critical healthcare situations being faced by municipalities in the Rainy River District and call for action from the provincial government. In a video press conference last Friday the Ontario Health […]
Read MoreControversial Ontario law designed to free up hospital beds could impact Maritime provinces
(September 27, 2024) By: Leigha Kaiser, CTV News Atlantic A new Charter challenge that got underway Monday will test the constitutionality of a controversial Ontario law allowing hospitals to place discharged patients into long-term care homes not of their choosing or face a $400-a-day charge if they refuse. The Ontario Health Coalition and the Advocacy […]
Read MoreEVENT: Trojan Horse Ontario Tour to Fight Privatization of Hospital Surgeries
(October 2, 2024) To protest the Ford government’s privatization of our public hospital services, the CUPE Ontario Council of Hospital Unions (OCHU-CUPE) and Ontario Health Coalition are kicking off a Trojan Horse tour this Friday at Queen’s Park, Toronto. The Ford government is privatizing surgeries by taking public funding and staff away from public hospitals […]
Read MoreJudge grills lawyer challenging $400-a-day long-term care law
(September 23, 2024) By: Jack Hauen, The Trillium Advocates challenging Bill 7 got a rough ride on Monday. The Ontario Health Coalition (OHC) and the Advocacy Centre for the Elderly (ACE) brought a Charter challenge of the Ford government’s controversial law that fines hospital patients $400 a day for refusing to move to a long-term care home […]
Read MoreHealthcare advocates head to court next week
(September 20, 2024) By: Randy Thoms, CKDR A charter challenge of provincial legislation that permits hospitals to transfer patients requiring an alternative level of care to a long-term home will be discussed in a courtroom next week. The Ontario Health Coalition and Advocacy Centre for the Elderly are behind the challenge. Bill 7 was implemented […]
Read MoreOntario law designed to free up hospital beds to be tested in court
(September 25, 2024) By: The Richard Syrett Show, Sauga960AM Click here for the original radio recording
Read MoreCBC Ontario Today noon call in: How is bill 7 working for you?
(September 24, 2024) By: Amanda Pfeffer, Ontario Today with Amanda Pfeffer, CBC Radio One The Ontario government says the law helps to free up limited hospital beds. But some advocates disagree. Natalie Mehra, executive director of the Ontario Health Coalition, joined for an interview to start off the episode. Joining CBC to take your calls […]
Read MoreOntario Health Coalition continues legal challenge against Bill 7
(September 24, 2024) By: Caryn Ceolin, CityNews It’s the Ford government versus the Ontario Health Coalition in court again on Tuesday. As advocates question a bill that allows hospitals to send patients to a long-term care home they didn’t choose. Caryn Ceolin reports. Click here for the original video
Read MoreControversial law designed to free up hospital beds to be tested in Ontario court
(September 24, 2024) By: The Mike Farwell Show, CityNews, NewsRadio 570 Kitchener Click here for the original radio episode
Read More‘It shortens their lives’: Widower recounts final days of her husband’s life following forced move to long-term care home
(September 23, 2024) By: CHCH News It has been called an infringement of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and now it is being challenged in court as one. The More Beds, Better Care Act was designed to move discharged patients out of hospitals and into long-term care homes, not of their choice — or […]
Read MoreMore Beds, Better Care Act to be challenged in court Monday
(September 23, 2024) By: CHCH News The More Beds Better Care Act, also known as Bill 7, will be challenged in court Monday on if it violates the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. A new charter challenge will put the controversial Ontario Law that requires hospitals to place patients ready to be discharged into long-term […]
Read MoreThe Jim Richards Show, Episode: The Field Trip Fallout continues into Week 2
(September 23, 2024) By: Jim Richards, The Jim Richards Show, NewsTalk1010 Natalie Mehra – executive director – Ontario Health Coalition, joins Jim to give her view on controversial law designed to free up hospital beds to be tested in Ontario court Click here for the original radio episode
Read MoreAdvocates fight against controversial Bill 7
(September 23, 2024) By: Sean Leathong, CTV News Toronto Advocates are challenging a bill that allows hospitals to move discharged patients into long-term care homes not of their choosing. Click here for the original video
Read MoreBill 7 to be charter challenged in court
(September 23, 2024) By: Courtney Heels, CP24 Click here for the original video
Read MoreControversial law designed to free up Ontario hospital beds to be tested in court
(September 23, 2024) By: Liam Casey, Global News A new Charter challenge that got underway Monday will test the constitutionality of a controversial Ontario law that allows hospitals to place discharged patients into long-term care homes not of their choosing or face a $400-per-day charge if they refuse. The Advocacy Centre for the Elderly and […]
Read MoreControversial law designed to free up Ontario hospital beds to be tested in court
(September 23, 2024) By: Clara Pasieka, CBC News Toronto A new charter challenge will test the constitutionality of a controversial law that allows hospitals to place patients into long-term care homes that are not of their choosing. CBC’s Clara Pasieka explains. Click here for the original video
Read MoreOntario’s controversial nursing home transfer law is being challenged in court. Here’s what you need to know
(September 22, 2024) By: Maria Iqbal, Toronto Star (behind a paywall) –> The first part of the article is as follows: Advocacy groups argue that law, meant to help deal with a shortage of acute care beds, violates the Charter rights of hospital patients. The Ford government’s More Beds, Better Care Act was introduced in 2022 […]
Read MoreLaw that could force patients into long-term care is challenged
(September 21, 2024) By: Ontario’s Bill-7, the More Beds, Better Care Act, will be in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice on Monday Ontario’s Bill-7, the act that could force a patient out of the hospital and into a long-term care home, is facing a legal challenge. The Ontario Health Coalition along with the Advocacy Centre for […]
Read MoreOntario court to hear challenge to government’s long-term care bill next week
(September 20, 2024) by: Sneh Duggal, The Trillium (behind a paywall) –> The first part of the article is as follows: Two advocacy groups have filed a Charter challenge against a government bill that lets hospitals charge some patients $400 per day for declining to move into a long-term care home chosen for them… Click […]
Read MoreOntario Health Coalition amplifying Rainy River District’s distress calls
(September 18, 2024) By: Ken Kellar, Fort Frances Times A network of community organizations across Ontario are using their platform to amplify the critical health care situations being faced by municipalities in the Rainy River District and call for action from the provincial government. In a video press conference held via Zoom on Friday, September […]
Read MoreVIDEO: Healthcare watchdog highlights crisis in Rainy River
(September 17, 2024) By: Leigh Nunan, Click here for the link to the video
Read More‘Abominable’: Untrained aides should not count toward LTC direct care targets, advocates say
(September 16, 2024) By: Sneh Duggal, The Trillium (behind a paywall) –> The first part of the article is as follows: A document The Trillium obtained through the freedom-of-information process showed resident support personnel make up about 10 per cent of the targeted 36 minutes of care provided by allied health professionals… Click here for […]
Read MoreCode red: How more Ontario hospitals are struggling with balancing the books
(September 14, 2024) By: Sawyer Bogdan, Global News Critics say the situation at the London Health Sciences Centre speaks to a larger issue, with health experts warning that most Ontario hospitals are projecting a deficit. Last week, the London Health Sciences Centre announced $14 million in staffing cuts. The hospital network eliminated 59 positions and reassigned 71 […]
Read MoreRainy River health organizations hit hard by staff shortages
(September 13, 2024) By: Michelle Allan, CBC News Town has no permanent doctors, few paramedics Concerned organizations in Rainy River, Ont. say the town’s medical system is on life support as they struggle to recruit and retain staff. The northwestern Ontario town is facing dire shortages of both doctors and paramedics, said Mayor Deborah Ewald at […]
Read MoreHealth care crisis unfolding in Northwestern Ontario
(September 13, 2024) By: Olivia Browning, Malcolm Daley, President of CUPE Local 4807 said, “we’re no longer treading water, we’re starting to drown.” Hospital, EMS, and primary care services are at risk in Northwestern Ontario due to a funding dispute between the physicians and the Ford government. An online press conference held on Friday […]
Read MoreRELEASE: Health care in crisis in northwestern Ontario: communities demand urgent solutions from Ford government
(September 13, 2024) Toronto/Rainy River/Thunder Bay/Emo: An unprecedented crisis in hospital, EMS, and primary care services in northwestern Ontario is unfolding. Physicians are leaving Rainy River’s hospital and clinic and the ambulance base in Emo is threatened with impending closure. The Mayor of Rainy River, the President of the District’s paramedics’ and hospital workers’ union […]
Read MoreMYTH BUSTER: 10 Big Myths about Health Care Privatization
(September 9, 2024) 1. The Ford government is indeed privatizing our public health care system. It is false to claim they are not. The Ford government has tried to downplay the extent to which they are privatizing, using words like “alternative”, “independent” or “community” health care facilities instead of referring to them as private for-profit […]
Read MoreOntario hospital patient fined $28,600 for refusing to go to long-term care home
(September 4, 2024) By: Jack Hauen, The Trillium An Ontario woman says her mother was fined more than $28,000 for refusing a long-term care home placement not of her choosing. Under the Ford government’s Bill 7, the More Beds, Better Care Act, hospitals can charge a fee of $400 per day to patients who decline […]
Read MoreBRIEFING NOTE: The Ford Government’s Plan to Privatize Ontario’s Public Hospital Services
(September 3, 2024) THE LATEST On January 16, 2023, Premier Doug Ford announced his plan to open new private for-profit day hospitals in three cities, expand other for-profit clinics and shunt tens of millions in public funding to private clinics and hospitals. The premier said that 50% of the surgeries done in our public hospitals […]
Read MoreNurse practitioner behind pay-for-care clinic in Brant explains reasons behind opening private practice
(August 5, 2024) By: Celeste Percy-Beauregard, The Brantford Expositor Crystal Troup recently got a call from someone wanting an IUD. The patient’s family doctor told her she would need a referral to a gynecologist — with a six- to nine-month wait — to have the birth control device inserted, and she wondered if it was […]
Read MoreSBGHC proposes crews not take mental health cases to Durham ER after 3 p.m.
(July 19, 2024) By: Scott Dunn, Owen Sound Sun Times Police and paramedics are expressing concerns about a South Bruce Grey Health Centre proposal to stop bringing people experiencing a mental health crisis to the Durham hospital after 3 p.m. For now, it’s business as usual until agreements are put in place, said Kevin McNab, […]
Read MoreNorth Bay Health Coalition rallying against privatization
(July 8, 2024) By: Richard Coffin, MyNorthBayNow Another rally against healthcare privatization is taking place next week in North Bay. The Ontario Council of Hospital Unions and North Bay Health Coalition are organizing the July 15 event from 11:30 am to 1 pm outside of Nipissing MPP Vic Fedeli’s office. They’re rallying against the privatization […]
Read MoreThere’s a private pediatric clinic run by nurse practitioners in London. Should Ontario fund it?
(July 6, 2024) By: Isha Bhargava, CBC News A private pediatric clinic run by nurse practitioners in London, Ont., is calling on the province to fund their services, which they say is reducing wait times and unnecessary emergency department visits for patients without family doctors. Healthy Kids Urgent Clinic operates a fee-for-service model charging between $65 to $85 for a visit. The […]
Read MoreRural health care access among issues raised at Chesley public hearing
(July 3, 2024) By: Pauline Kerr, Penticton Herald CHESLEY – The Ontario Health Coalition has been holding public hearings in communities across the province, to hear what the public has to say, and to gather input to develop recommendations for the future of our hospitals, including small, rural hospitals. On June 18, it was Chesley’s […]
Read MoreCBC Ontario Today noon call in: Was your hospital there for you when you needed it?
(June 25, 2024) By: Ontario Today with Amanda Pfeffer, CBC Radio One The Ontario Health Coalition has been hosting a series of townhalls to find out why so many hospitals are periodically closing their doors. Executive Director Natalie Mehra joins Ontario Today, along with Geraldton District Hospital CEO Darryl Galusha. Click here for recording
Read MoreEVENT: More than 10,000 at huge protests form widespread, visible opposition against Ford’s privatization of our public health care
(June 19, 2024) Thousands of people made a stand at protests across the province on May 30, 2024 to show the Ford government that Ontarians oppose the privatization of our public health care system. We made it loud and clear that we will keep building the fightback to protect and improve our public health care, […]
Read MoreCAMPAIGN: Make it visible! Join the lawn sign campaign to stop Ford’s health care privatization
(June 19, 2024) As we head into the summer, we are building the fightback against health care privatization and putting out lawn signs across Ontario (see designs below). We have sent out 5,000 signs to local coalitions across the province and will order more if we are able to afford it. We are working to […]
Read MoreEVENT: Annual Locally-Grown Garlic Sale 2024
(June 19, 2024) The Ontario Health Coalition works to improve our provincial public health care system. We are committed to saving local health care services, stopping cuts and privatization and keeping our community hospitals vibrant. Every year we sell Ontario-grown organic and heirloom varieties of garlic to raise funds. It’s garlic season and our Annual […]
Read MoreHealth-care system is ‘broken,’ Niagara woman says after dad dies suddenly in emergency room
(June 16, 2024) By: Samantha Beattie, Ethan Lang, CBC News CJohn Zammit, 88, died in a Welland, Ont., emergency department after experiencing a brief illness As her father laid sick on a gurney in a Niagara-area emergency room, Ann-Marie Zammit reassured him he’d recover. The medical staff at the Welland, Ont., hospital had told her […]
Read MoreEVENT & RELEASE: Public Hearings on Protecting & Improving Local Hospitals: Community members invited to give input
(June 3, 2024) TORONTO — In response to more than 1,200 closures of emergency departments and other local hospital services over the last year, the Ontario Health Coalition (OHC) is holding public hearings across Ontario to develop recommendations for the future of our local hospitals, including small, rural and northern community hospitals. Mid size or […]
Read MoreEVENT: Now’s the time to make our stand… Giant protests and marches on Thursday, May 30
(May 24, 2024) More information can be found at A speech from executive director Natalie Mehra on the importance of this campaign can be found here. Toronto: Gather at noon at the south side of Nathan Phillips Square across from the Sheraton, 123 Queen St. W. We will march to the Ontario Legislature at Queen’s Park […]
Read MoreBLOG: An earnest appeal: There comes a time when conscience & community compel us to action
posted May 23, 2024
(May 23, 2024) There comes a time when one cannot sit on the sidelines and let it happen. When conscience and community compel one to action. I believe we are there. It is like we have reached a tipping point. If we do nothing, we accept the ever accelerating destruction of the public health care […]
Read MoreRELEASE: Community and union leaders announce legal action, demand Ford declare a moratorium to save the Durham hospital
(May 23, 2024) Toronto, Grey Bruce – The Durham hospital, located in Grey County, dates back to 1910. Its community supported its survival through two World Wars, the Great Depression, amalgamation, and many local hospital boards and provincial governments. Now, after more than a century, it is facing a potentially fatal blow with the imminent […]
Read MoreSave the Durham Hospital rally revs up community resolve
(May 8, 2024) By: Greg Cowan, Owen Sound The Sun Times People who jammed into the Durham Community Centre hall Tuesday night for a rally to save the Durham hospital said they hope their actions are more of a battle cry than a death rattle. Several hundred people joined a standing room only crowd and […]
Read MorePublic invited to Owen Sound rally to save healthcare
(May 8, 2024) By: The Sun Times, Owen Sound The Sun Times Members of the public are being invited to attend a rally to save healthcare in front of Owen Sound city hall. The Grey Bruce Health Coalition will be holding the peaceful rally at city hall at the corner of 2nd Avenue East and […]
Read MoreOntario healthcare ‘never so bad’
(May 7, 2024) By: Sara McCLeary, Sault This Week About 60 people, mostly senior citizens, attended a recent townhall on Ontario healthcare, organized by Sault Ste. Marie-Algoma chapter of the Ontario Health Coalition. The May 2 meeting, held at the Moose Lodge, featured five panelists sharing insights about the current situation in the province, how […]
Read MoreOHC town hall targets privatization
(May 4, 2024) By: Ron Jokelainen, First Local News Ontario Health Coalition (OHC) Executive Director Natalie Mehra says public healthcare in Ontario is “at the edge, the precipice” and the province is in clear danger of losing it. “Every public meeting I go to, I’m on panels with doctors, nurses, health professionals, policy people and […]
Read MoreHealth coalition calls on public to stand up for health care
(May 3, 2024) By: Mike McDonald, CTV News Northern Ontario The de-rostering of thousands of patients at the Group Health Centre in Sault Ste. Marie was the centre of attention at a town hall Friday organized by the Algoma chapter of the Ontario Health Coalition. Guest speakers included politicians, policy analysts and physicians and the […]
Read MoreCritics question Ontario watchdog’s decision to keep health-care worker shortage data confidential
(April 30, 2024) By: Tu Thanh Ha, The Globe and Mail Health care stakeholders and an expert on privacy are criticizing a recent ruling that allows the government of Ontario to keep details of the province’s shortages of nurses, personal support workers and doctors confidential. Alec Fadel, an adjudicator at the Office of the Information […]
Read MoreSoaring workloads, stress leave health-care system on brink of collapse
(April 29, 2024) By: Wendy Glauser, Healthy Debate Emergency departments are closing across the country. Wait times in those still open frequently surpass 20 hours. An unprecedented number of people are being cared for in hallways and spaces not designed for care as they wait for specialists or procedures. Frail elders are waiting months in […]
Read MoreOntario edging toward American health care model — health coalition
(April 30, 2024) By: Stu Campaigne, Ontario Health Coalition plans a May 30 protest. ‘We’re very close. If people don’t care about their health care it’s going to happen and that’s why we have this campaign. We’ve had this for a couple of years now. We have stopped some elements of what the government […]
Read MoreFord government wins battle to keep health-care staffing shortage figures secret
(April 24, 2024) By: Isaac Callan & Colin D’Mello, Global News The Ford government has won a privacy battle to keep the extent of its nursing, personal support worker and physician shortage secret after Ontario’s privacy watchdog ruled that revealing them could be economically damaging. In September 2022, Global News filed and subsequently appealed a […]
Read MoreEVENT: Long-Term Care Virtual Townhall Summary
(April 23, 2024) A townhall was held to get an update from the lawyers on what is happening with the class action lawsuits against long-term care homes. Also, Natalie Mehra, Ontario Health Coalition executive director, gave a general update on long-term care. Click here for the long-term care townhall summary
Read More‘No More Hallway Healthcare’: Rally calls for more beds and no for-profit patient fees in Brampton
(April 19, 2024) By: Ryan Rumbolt, insauga Health care watchdogs are calling for hundreds of new hospital beds and a crackdown on patients being charged out-of-pocket fees in Brampton and Caledon. The plea comes from the Ontario Health Coalition which will be holding a “No More Hallway Healthcare” rally on Monday near Brampton Civic Hospital. […]
Read MorePatients reaching for their credit card, not just their OHIP card: Report
(April 19, 2024) By: Matt Hutcheson, City News The Ontario Health Coalition’s (OHC) most recent report paints a damning picture of the Ford government’s expansion of health care to private clinics. The OHC surveyed people between February 5 and March 8, asking patients about their experiences with care in private clinics. There were 231 patients […]
Read More‘I think I was taken for a ride’: Ontario Health Coalition says patients being ‘unlawfully’ charged at private medical clinics
(April 16, 2024) By: Bryan Bicknell, CTV News London The Ontario government is letting private, for-profit medical clinics get away with unlawfully charging patients for health care that should be covered by OHIP, according to a watchdog group. The Ontario Health Coalition held a series of events across the province Tuesday to release its findings. […]
Read MoreHealth Coalition Co-Chair says Grey Bruce not immune to pressures from private clinics
(April 17, 2024) By: Adam Bell, CKNX News Today A damning report released by the Ontario Health Coalition has brought to light concerning practices in for-profit private clinics across the province. Titled “Illegal, Unlawful and Unethical: Case Studies of Patients Charged for Medical Care in Ontario’s Private Clinics,” the report reveals evidence of hundreds of […]
Read More‘I think I was shafted’
(April 16, 2024) by: Bryan Bicknell, CTV News London The Ontario Health Coalition says patients are being ‘unlawfully’ charged fees at private clinics. CTV’s Bryan Bicknell reports. Click here to watch the video clip
Read MoreReport reveals Ontario for-profit clinics charging patients thousands in unlawful fees
(April 16, 2024) By: Ainsley Smith & Caryn Lieberman, Global News More than 100 patients have come forward to voice their concerns over being charged for care in private clinics in a newly-released report by the Ontario Health Coalition (OHC). A majority of these patients are seniors living on fixed incomes, with the fees imposing […]
Read MoreOntario Health Coalition report highlights deceptive practices and extra fees in private clinics
(April 16, 2024) By: Barbara Patrocinio, QP Briefing A new report conducted by the Ontario Health Coalition (OHC) claims that many patients who underwent surgeries at private clinics were deceived into paying additional fees for supplementary services. The procedures should be covered by public funding. The report was based on interviews with 18 patients, and […]
Read MorePrivate clinics charge thousands in extra fees for OHIP-covered surgery: Ontario Health Coalition
(April 16. 2024) By: Matthew Trevithick, CBC News The Ontario Health Coalition (OHC) is taking aim at the province’s plan to expand the number of publicly-funded surgeries at private clinics, saying the experiences of two Londoners who were charged thousands for cataract surgeries is emblematic of the dangers that come with for-profit healthcare. Their stories […]
Read MoreRELEASE & REPORT: Illegal, Unlawful and Unethical: Case Studies of Patients Charged for Medical Care in Ontario’s Private Clinics
(April 16, 2024) Anyone in Ontario can make a complaint or ask questions by calling toll-free at 1-888-662-6613 or by emailing Toronto, April 16, 2024 – Released today, a new report Illegal, Unlawful and Unethical: Case Studies of Patients Charged for Medical Care in Ontario’s Private Clinics, featured evidence from more than a hundred […]
Read MorePatients claim ‘unlawful and illegal’ charges for medically necessary services in Brampton and across Ontario
(April 15, 2024) By: Ryan Rumbolt, InSauga Health care advocates are speaking out after patients say they’ve been charged extra fees, denied procedures and tricked into paying for add-ons at clinics in Brampton and across Ontario. The news comes from the Ontario Health Coalition (OHC), which says it has gathered reports of more than 100 […]
Read MoreAs private-pay crackdown looms, ‘executive health’ clinics charge freely
(April 15, 2024) By: Jack Hauen, The Trillium As millions of Ontarians struggle to find family doctors, private-pay clinics are having somewhat of a heyday. New nurse practitioner-led clinics have made headlines recently for openly charging yearly fees for primary care. They’re either illegal or exist in a loophole, depending on who you ask. Health […]
Read MoreMRI wait times among the longest in the province for London, Ont. area patients
(March 27, 2024) By: Bryan Bicknell, CTV News Newly released provincial data shows London and area hospitals have some of the longest wait times in the province to receive an MRI scan. That’s a major concern, according to health watchdog Ontario Health Coalition. London representative Peter Bergmanis said the long waits can take a toll […]
Read More‘Stolen Time’ doc shows grim reality in some long-term care homes
(March 27, 2024) Doreen Nicoll, Rabble Extendicare, Revera Inc and Sienna Senior Living are thriving long-term care (LTC) corporations. Extendicare claims they are, “Helping people live better, one life at a time.” While Revera wants seniors to know, “Some things get better with age.” Sienna Senior Living claims to be, “Cultivating happiness in daily life.” […]
Read MoreNearly 300 Ontario patients moved to LTC homes they didn’t choose
(March 20, 2024) By Allison Jones and Liam Casey, The Canadian Press Nearly 300 people in Ontario have been moved from hospitals to long-term care homes not of their choosing under a law the government implemented over a year ago. The law can see those patients placed in homes up to 70 kilometres away — […]
Read MoreRetired Sault Steelworkers feel targeted by Group Health Centre cuts
(March 18, 2024) By: Cory Nordstrom, CTV News Northern Ontario. Among those hit particularly hard by the Sault’s Group Health Centre de-rostering of 10,000 patients are former Steelworkers, who helped create the health centre. A meeting from those retirees took place Monday, with plenty of discussion about the current state of health care. It was a […]
Read MoreProtest at Brampton Civic will push for better healthcare following release of alarming Ontario Health Coalition report highlighting PC move to privatization
(March 17, 2024) By: Hafsa Ahmed, The Pointer. Click here for the original article
Read MoreEVENT: May 30 Giant Protest & March: The fightback is on to save public health care
(March 18, 2024) More information can be found at Updated information on the campaign can be found here. Thursday May 30 12 pm noon The Fightback is On Either we save our public medicare now, or we are going to lose it Giant march & protest. Send a message to the Ford government & […]
Read MoreOttawa woman ‘outraged’ at $110 charge at Appletree clinic for routine cervical cancer screening
(March 12, 2024) By: Elizabeth Payne, Ottawa Citizen Ontario’s Ministry of Health says it is launching an investigation into the practices of an Ottawa Appletree clinic after a woman was charged $110 to see a nurse practitioner for a routine cancer screening test. Eileen Murphy says she registered with the Appletree clinic near Carling and […]
Read MoreFive-month investigation paints a picture of a dangerous and disturbing “Wild West” of private clinics operating with little or no oversight.
(March 9, 2024) By: Burlington Gazette Five-month investigation, paints a picture of a dangerous and disturbing “Wild West” of private clinics operating with little or no oversight. A report released by the Ottawa and Ontario Health Coalitions contains shocking revelations about the ownership and management behind private health clinics in Ottawa. Based on a five-month […]
Read MoreDurham ED to close overnight indefinitely beginning March 10 due to staff shortage
(March 08, 2024) by: Greg Cowan, Owen Sound Sun Times The emergency department in Durham will soon close overnight due to a critical shortage of nurses, South Bruce Grey Health Centre announced. Starting on March 10, the emergency department at the Durham hospital will shut its doors every night at 5 p.m. and reopen at […]
Read MoreRELEASE & REPORT: Fraud, criminal conviction, misrepresentation and unlawful user fees: New report exposes a “Wild West” of for-profit health care in Ottawa private clinics
(March 8, 2024) A new report released by the Ottawa and Ontario Health Coalitions contains shocking revelations about the ownership and management behind private health clinics in Ottawa. Based on a five-month investigation, Freedom of Information requests, corporate filings, interviews and court records, the report paints a picture of a dangerous and disturbing “Wild West” […]
Read MoreHealth coalition says province starves public hospitals
(March 2, 2024) By: James Matthews, Minden Times Allowing some medical procedures to be done at private facilities starves public hospitals, says the Ontario Health Coalition. A new report, entitled Robbing from the public to build the private: The Ford government’s hospital privatization scheme, reveals that local hospitals in every region of Ontario have operating […]
Read MorePrivate American companies supplying HHS with staff for cardiac surgery
(March 2, 2024) By: Joanna Frketich, The Hamilton Spectator (behind a paywall) –> The first part of the article is as follows: Hamilton’s largest hospital network signed contracts with two private American companies to temporarily supply staff to operate heart-lung machines that the union claims are costing tens of thousands of dollars a week. Hamilton […]
Read MoreMurky rules for nurse practitioners give rise to private clinics in Ontario
(March 1, 2024) By: Sarah MacMillan, CBC News When Kyle Truong needed medical attention for a respiratory infection last year, he said there weren’t many convenient options for accessing timely care. Truong, who lives in Toronto, hasn’t had a family doctor for about four years. But then he discovered a private clinic where he could […]
Read MorePrivate surgeons group doubles weekend orthopedic surgeries in Ottawa
(February 28, 2024) By: Elizabeth Payne, Ottawa Citizen One year after a group of orthopedic surgeons began renting vacant operating rooms on Saturdays at The Ottawa Hospital’s Riverside campus, the group is doubling the number of surgeries it performs there. Cameron Love, president and CEO of The Ottawa Hospital, said the Academic Orthopedic Surgical Associates […]
Read MoreOntario Health Coalition calls out Ford government
Feburary 21, 2024 By: Tina Yazdani, City News The Ford government is under fire over the state of the province’s healthcare system. As Tina Yazdani reports, OHC officials say the government is ‘pouring’ money into private-for-profit clinics and hospitals. Click here to watch the video clip
Read MoreOntario Health Coalition presents latest report into privatization at Cornwall event
(February 21, 2024) by: Shawna O’Neill, Cornwall Standard-Freeholder Cornwall was once again a host as the Ontario Health Coalition released its most-recent report on privatizing services available at publicly funded hospitals on Wednesday. Ontario Health Coalition Cornwall/SDG chapter co-chairs Elaine MacDonald and Louise Lanctot spoke about how the coalition believes policies approved by the Premier […]
Read MoreRELEASE & REPORT: Robbing the public to build the private: The Ford government’s hospital privatization scheme
(February 21, 2024) A new report, Robbing from the public to build the private: The Ford government’s hospital privatization scheme reveals that local hospitals in every region of Ontario have operating rooms sitting idle the majority of the time. The public has funded local hospitals for more than 70 years to build operating room capacity that […]
Read MorePublic Healthcare in Peril: The Price of Privatization and Economic Mismanagement in Ontario and Zimbabwe
(February 18, 2024) by: Olalekan Adigun, BNN Breaking Ontario faces a public healthcare crisis as the Ford government pushes for privatization, while Zimbabwe’s healthcare sector collapses due to neglect and mismanagement. Discover the policy implications and the need for reform in both regions. In the heart of Ontario, a storm brews over the future of […]
Read MoreKingston Health Council Report Released
(February 14, 2024) by: Jeff Green, Frontenac News Report on Cataract Surgery in Kingston offers a long view of the pitfalls of healthcare privatisation. The Kingston Health Council (KHC), and its affiliate the Ontario Health Council, have been persistent critics of the Ford government’s efforts to support private delivery of publicly funded healthcare as part […]
Read MoreNDP raises concerns about ‘executive health’ clinic charging patients thousands
(February 16, 2024) by: Sneh Duggal, The Trillium Toronto residents said they lost their family doctor last year after she moved to the ‘executive health’ clinic As the province grapples with a family doctor shortage, New Democrats are raising concerns about clinics offering health care to Ontarians for hefty fees. Last fall, the South Keys […]
Read MoreRELEASE & REPORT: Health Coalition Exposes Significantly Higher Costs & Irregularities in Kingston Hospital Cataract Surgery Privatization: New Report
(February 15, 2024) The press release and report was released on February 15. An update with a response to statements made by the Kingston Health Sciences Centre CEO can be found below the initial release. The privatization of cataract surgeries in Kingston, Ontario, costs 56% more than if the same procedures had been done in […]
Read MoreRELEASE: Families & Advocates Announce Legal Action as Ford Government Grants New Long-Term Care Licenses to Corporations with Hideous Records
(February 13, 2024) Toronto – The daughter of a deceased long-term care resident and the Ontario Health Coalition are asking the court to require the Ford government live up to their own long-term care legislation. The advocates are seeking a judicial review of the Ford government’s decision to grant an 87-bed expansion and new 30-year […]
Read MoreDoug Ford’s new infrastructure bank will benefit investors, not the public
(February 8, 2024) By: Linda McQuaig, Toronto Star It seems like a good rule-of-thumb that the housing of frail and vulnerable people should not be left to those with a voracious appetite for profit. This could be regarded as a key takeaway from the pandemic, when it emerged that death rates were four times higher […]
Read MoreHealth coalition holding discussion on fate of Fort Erie hospital
(January 8, 2024) By: Allan Benner, Standard There’s increasing interest in a public meeting on the state of health care in Fort Erie, after a previously scheduled meeting was cancelled due to a medical emergency that resulted in death. Organizer Sue Hotte from Niagara Health Coalition said the scope of Thursday’s meeting has grown since […]
Read MoreOntario’s Hospital Labour Force Is At A Breaking Point
(January 8, 2024) By: Adam D.K. King, The Maple No one will be shocked to learn that health-care workers across Canada are overworked and stressed out. Yet the extent of the problem revealed by each new study or poll can’t help but astonish. This past Wednesday, the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions (OCHU), part of […]
Read MoreHallway health care: Ontario Health metrics put numbers to strained system
(January 3, 2024) By: Jessica Smith Cross, The Trillium On an average day, 1,326 people were on stretchers in Ontario emergency department hallways or other “unconventional spaces” at the end of the last fiscal year. It’s one of the metrics Ontario Health (OH) uses to track the health of the health-care system, and it’s at its highest reported […]
Read MoreSouth Bruce Grey Health Centre hospitals were plagued with emergency department closures
(December 28, 2023) By: The SouthGrey This was the fifth most-read story of the year and was seen as the local indicator of a much bigger problem facing the province. In an Ontario Health Coalition report released on December 5, it was revealed that the number of Ontario hospital emergency closures has soared to a new record […]
Read MoreRural communities ‘suffering from the lack of health-care services,’ Niagara Falls MPP tells Fort Erie council
(December 22, 2023) By: Sarah Ferguson, Fort Erie Post Having access to health care when it’s needed is not a privilege; it’s a human right. However, Niagara Falls NDP MPP Wayne Gates said accessing health care is a problem here in Niagara and across the province. At the Dec. 18 Fort Erie council meeting, Gates […]
Read MoreDeath of man awaiting start of Fort Erie forum on health care highlights need for rural services, says health coalition chair
(December 12, 2023) By: Sarah Ferguson, Fort Erie Post What was supposed to be an opportunity for community members to share their thoughts on the state of health care turned into an emergency situation. Just before the Fort Erie meeting on public health care was expected to start, a man in attendance had a medical […]
Read MoreOntario healthcare report finds over a thousand service shutdowns
(December 11, 2023) By: Freq 90.5/Oldies 96.7 The Ontario Health Coalition released a report this past Tuesday, December 5th, which they say paints a stark picture of the province’s healthcare system. The report tracked the closures of hospital services in 2023 and found a total of 1,200 temporary or permanent closures across Ontario occurred. OHC […]
Read MoreKitchener nurse practitioner operating private clinic
(December 9, 2023) By: Tyler Kelaher and Karis Mapp, Kitchener As Ontario’s public health system continues to battle long wait times and a shortage of family doctors, a Kitchener nurse practitioner claims to have the first and only private health clinic in the area. Phlox Health in south Kitchener offers many of the same services […]
Read MoreEVENT: 2023-24 Health Action Assembly & Annual Conference
(December 9, 2023) Ontario Health Coalition Health Action Assembly & Annual Conference In person: Central YMCA, 20 Grosvenor Street, Toronto, or by Zoom for those who want to participate virtually (from home by computer) Saturday January 20 & Sunday January 21 10 am – 4:30 pm 9 am – 12:30 pm The […]
Read MoreNational charity calls on northern communities to keep the hope alive
(December 8, 2023) By: Austin Campbell, Superior North News A charity that promotes equitable access to healthcare and provides free medical transportation is calling on communities along the north shore of Lake Superior for their support. Established in 1986, Hope Air is a nationwide charity that provides transportation to and from medical appointments for patients […]
Read MoreGélinas continues to voice concerns over emergency room closures
(December 7, 2023) By: Sudbury Nickel Belt MPP France Gélinas, who is also the Ontario opposition health critic, said the numerous temporary closures of hospital emergency rooms in Ontario is putting lives at risk. Gélinas was voicing her concern in the Ontario Legislature on Tuesday when she quoted a number of department closures that have occurred to […]
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