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Privatization Backgrounders, Fact Sheets & Briefing Notes


BRIEFING NOTE, ANALYSIS & SUBMISSION: Ford government’s new law (Bill 135) to further privatize home care

(November 5, 2023) Background Bill 135, the Convenient Care at Home Act has passed First and Second Reading in the Ontario Legislature. After Second Reading, bills are sent to Committees of the Legislature for public consultation. In this case, the bill has been referred to the Standing Committee on Social Policy and there will be […]

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BRIEFING NOTE: Health care funding briefing note: putting the fall economic statement in context

(November 2, 2023) Today, the Ford government will release its fall economic statement. This briefing note is intended to give context with which to assess the claims of the government. As we write, Ontario is in the worst health care crisis in memory. The most urgent services in local public hospitals are facing repeated and […]

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BRIEFING NOTE & FACT SHEETS: Health Care Privatization Fact Sheets & Information

(June 20, 2023) Below is a quick summary of the key issues. Here are some fact sheets and additional information: Briefing note on Ford government’s plan to privatize our public hospital services Note d’information : Le plan de privatisation des services hospitaliers du gouvernement Ford Questions and answers about for-profit clinics and hospitals   Why […]

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RELEASE & BRIEFING NOTE: Patients Who Have Been Extra-Billed Thousands of Dollars in Ontario Private Clinics Join Advocates to Call Out Ford Government’s False Claims

(February 27, 2023) Toronto – Leda Raptis from Kingston was charged $2,000 for an MRI at a private clinic. She needed the MRI for open heart surgery. When she looked at the bill, the clinic said the charge was for “contrast”. Either way, the two thousand dollar charge is illegal in Ontario and in Canada. […]

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RELEASE & BRIEFING NOTE: The Ford government lied to the public re. their privatization of public hospital services: Health Coalition demands Ford stop their privatization of our hospitals, kicks off major campaign to save our local public hospitals

(October 26, 2022) Toronto –The Ontario Health Coalition released a brief today charging that the Ford government lied to the public about its privatization of Ontario’s public hospital services. The Coalition reported that the Ford government significantly increased funding to private clinics while at the same time denying that they were expanding the private clinics. […]

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BRIEFING NOTE & QUESTIONS FOR CANDIDATES: Municipal Election Key Health Care Issues

(September 27, 2022) Questions for Candidates Will you commit to maintaining our municipal long-term care homes as public homes, and oppose contracting out the operation of municipal LTC homes to for-profit companies? Will you commit to funding municipal LTC homes to provide safe, quality living and caring environments, and support a minimum care standard of […]

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FACT CHECKER & RELEASE: Health Coalition response to Ford government’s plans to move seniors out of hospitals & privatize hospital diagnostics and surgeries to for-profit clinics and hospitals

(August 18, 2022) The Ford government released what it called a five-point health care plan this morning in a press conference. In summary: On COVID-19 there was nothing new. On the unprecedented staffing crisis in Ontario’s hospitals, long-term care and home care, there was another in a long string of reannouncements of plans to bring […]

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RELEASE & BRIEFING NOTE: The Privatization of COVID-19 Testing in Ontario

(March 30, 2022) Click here for printable version of release Click here for printable version of briefing note   Health Coalition Demands the Ford Government Stop 2–Tier Privatization of COVID–Testing& Restore Access to Public Testing Urgently as the Pandemic’s 6th Wave Gains Amplitude Toronto – Step by step, the Ford government has been privatizing PCR […]

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FACT SHEET: The Privatization of Ontario’s Public Hospital Services

(March 8, 2022) The Ford government’s privatization plans The Ford government has continued plans to privatize health care by contracting private facilities to perform surgeries and other procedures such as diagnostic imaging. Taking it further, on Tuesday, February 1, the Ford government announced its plans to allow private clinics (called “Independent Health Facilities”) to operate private hospitals. […]

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FACT SHEET: Why Stop the Privatization of Long-Term Care

(March 8, 2022) How Long-Term Care is Being Privatized There have been two big initiatives to privatize LTC in Ontario in recent decades: In 1998, Ontario’s Conservative Mike Harris government built 20,000 new long-term care beds and allocated the majority of them to for-profit corporations, including large chain companies. This tipped the balance from a […]

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FACT SHEET: Two-Tier Health Care and Private Clinics

(March 8, 2022) Canada Health Act Principles The 1984 Canada Health Act is rooted in the core principles of equity and compassion. Its primary objective is “to protect, promote, and restore the physical and mental well-being of residents of Canada and to facilitate reasonable access to health services without financial or other barriers.” The Canada […]

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FACT SHEET: Home Care Privatization

(March 8, 2022) The privatization of home care in Ontario Home care provides individuals with complex medical conditions care in the comfort of their homes and enables the frail elderly to live at home as long as possible. Under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health (MOH), home care services may be government-funded but are […]

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JUST THE FACTS: Facts About Health Care, Cuts & Privatization

(March 1, 2022) Here are fact sheets on health care cuts & privatization, with sources for all data: Why Not Privatize Our Public Health Care Services Fightback to Save Public Health Care & Stop Privatization Long-Term Care Privatization Home Care Privatization Privatization of COVID-19 Testing in Ontario Fast Facts on Health Care Funding in Ontario

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RELEASE: Ontario Budget: Health Coalition is Watching for Sufficient Health Funding, Strings Attached in For-Profit LTC & A Stop to the Ford Government’s Privatization of Health Care

(March 24, 2021) Toronto – The Health Coalition said today that the funding numbers for health care in the budget are going to look huge of course, due to the pandemic, but the Coalition will be watching to make sure that funding is indeed enough. Equally important to the amount of funding, are strings attached […]

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RELEASE & BACKGROUNDER: Health Coalition Demands that Ford Government Stop Privatizing Health Care Under Cover of COVID-19: “There is no excuse not to use reopen & ramp up existing capacity in public system”, Coalition will do everything in its power to stop the undermining of public health care

(September 24, 2020) Toronto – The Health Coalition expressed deep concern about the Ford government’s privatization of health care services, the lack of a coherent plan for a second-wave of COVID-19, and cuts and layoffs at public hospitals while the government shifts funding to private companies for COVID-19 related services. On Monday, Premier Ford said, […]

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UPDATE: Mounting Health Care Cuts

List of the Ford government health care cuts to date: Cut OHIP+ so families with sick children will have to seek private coverage first and pay deductibles and co-payments (June 2018). Cut planned mental health funding by more than $330 million per year (July 2018). Cancelled all new planned overdose prevention sites. (Autumn 2018). Cut […]

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UPDATE: Mounting Health Care Cuts

An updated version of this list can be found here. List of the Ford government health care cuts to date: ● Cut OHIP+ so families with sick children will have to seek private coverage first and pay deductibles and co-payments. (June 2018) ● Cut planned mental health funding by more than $330 million. (July 2018) […]

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BRIEFING NOTE: Ontario Health Coalition Briefing Note on Ontario Cabinet Shuffle: Deep Concerns about Ideological Positions of New Minister of Long-Term Care & Associate Minister of Mental Health & Addictions

(June 21, 2019) Toronto – In his press conference announcing the cabinet shuffle, Premier Doug Ford claimed that more than 80 percent of his platform had been implemented. The Health Coalition notes that nothing could be further than the truth when it comes to health care.  The Coalition also raised concerns about the pro-privatization, anti-public health […]

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BRIEFING NOTE: List of local hospital and health services cuts/mergers/privatization

(May 30, 2019) Cut over 120 full time equivalent staff including nurses, health professionals and patient support staff from Sudbury’s Health Sciences North. After protests by the public and the Health Coalition some of the cuts were rolled back but significant cuts continued nonetheless. (November 2018) Privatized lab service, transcription, and patient transportation; outsourced microbiology […]

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URGENT UPDATE: Undeniable signals Doug Ford intends major health care privatization

(April 18, 2019) Toronto – The signals that Doug Ford intends major health care privatization, restructuring and cuts have become undeniable: if you care about health care for all it is time to come out. Cuts: The Ontario Budget contains bad news for health care. Cuts are coming. Overall health funding increases are less than […]

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RELEASE, ANALYSIS & BRIEFING NOTE: Health Care Omnibus Bill Sets Up Ontario for Health System Mega-Mergers & Privatization: Worse than the Leaked Draft, Health Coalition Warns

(Updated: April 1, 2019) Click here for our submission to the Standing Committee on Social Policy regarding Bill 74 (April 2019) Click here for update on health omnibus bill hearings (March 2019) Click here for printable version of health omnibus bill briefing note (March 2019) Click here for printable version of health omnibus bill media […]

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Ford government gives 2-days notice for public hearings to be in Toronto only The new health care law that the Ford government is pushing through has been “time allocated” for public hearings. That means that the Ford Conservatives have limited the time for public hearings. We have been asking for broad public hearings on this […]

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CALL-OUT: November 21 Giant Rally at Queen’s Park to STOP the private clinics

(October 24, 2014) STOP private clinics SAVE our local public hospitals 12 p.m. Friday November 21 Giant Rally @ Ontario Legislature, Queen’s Park Toronto

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BRIEFING NOTE: New Legal Regulations Planned by Ontario’s Liberal Government to Cut Community Hospital Services and Expand Private Clinics

(October 8, 2013) Ontario’s Liberal government has announced plans to bring in new legal regulations to expand the use of private clinics to take hospital services out of our community hospitals. Is this the end of our community hospitals as we know them? In the Ontario government’s vision for health care, community hospitals are the […]

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FACT SHEET: Comparison of Public Hospitals Act to Independent Health Facilities Act

(October 8, 2013) Item Under Public Hospitals Act Under IHFA Comparison Power to approve new facilities, and sell, lease or dispose of facilities. Minister must approve new hospitals. Minister must approve articles before they are filed under the Not-for-Profit Corporations Act. (These establish the name and location of the hospital, among other provisions.) Minister must approve expansions, […]

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REPORT: The Austerity Index Part I: Health Care cuts and deficits across Ontario

(December 5, 2012) Ontario’s health care funding, already nearly the lowest per person in the country, is being curtailed by $3 billion, resulting in unprecedented hospital and home care service cuts across the province. The Ontario Health Coalition has produced a tally of the cuts by region and community.

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BACKGROUNDER: The Drummond Commission: A Cover for Cuts and Privatization

(January 23, 2012) The Ontario Health Coalition exposes the Drummond Commission, Drummond’s history of dismantling our social safety net and privatizing public assets when he was in government …

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BACKGROUNDER: B.C. Private Clinics Challenge to Single-Tier Health Care

(January 1, 2011) For-profit health care has mushroomed in British Columbia. In our 2008 report Eroding Public Medicare: Lessons and Consequences of For-Profit Health Care Across Canada we found that B.C. and Quebec were ground zero for private clinics. In B.C. alone,  there were 25 private surgical hospitals and 12 for-profit MRI/CT clinics in the […]

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BACKGROUNDER: Canadian Constitution Foundation Challenge Against Single-Tier Medicare

(May 31, 2007) According to a press conference held this month, the Canadian Constitution Foundation is funding a Charter challenge to single-tier Public Medicare in Ontario. Click here for Backgrounder

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BACKGROUNDER: Ontario Health Coalition Backgrounder on Private Clinics

(March 22, 2007) Evidence from the system-wide experiment in Britain and some Quick Facts Click here for Backgrounder

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(March 22, 2007) This is urgent. Supporters of public medicare – your help is needed today. Please read and forward to all your contacts. Thank you very much. Natalie Mehra, Ontario Health Coalition John Tory and the Ontario Conservatives have aligned themselves with for-profit health interests and have launched an aggressive offensive to try to […]

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Save Public Medicare! Information

(March 20, 2007) OHC: URGENT ALERT This is urgent. Supporters of public medicare – your help is needed today. Please read and forward to all your contacts. Thank you very much. Natalie Mehra, Ontario Health Coalition John Tory and the Ontario Conservatives have aligned themselves with for-profit health interests and have launched an aggressive offensive […]

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Billions in Public Taxes Risked by P3 Hospital Privatization: 100 Failed, Flawed and Abandoned Projects Used to Warn Politicians

(April 7, 2005) For Immediate Release Attn: Assignment Editor, Queen’s Park Media Billions in Public Taxes Risked by P3 Hospital Privatization: 100 Failed, Flawed and Abandoned Projects Used to Warn Politicians Toronto- As Ontario’s government is making plans to privatize hospitals, roads and schools under controversial long term deals with private finance and service corporations, […]

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RELEASE/BACKGROUNDER: “Payments for care at private for-profit and private not-for-profit hospitals: a systematic review and meta-analysis”

(June 6, 2004) A major study by Dr. P. J. Devereaux finds that health care costs more and delivers less at investor-owned private for-profit hospitals. Click here for Media Release and Backgrounder  

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BRIEFING NOTE: For-Profit MRI/CT Clinics

(April 22, 2003) Click here for Briefing Note

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FACT SHEET: Funny Numbers – Ontario Health Coalition Brief on Ministry of Health Publicity re. For-Profit MRI/CT Clinics

(March 1, 2003) FACT SHEET

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FACT SHEET: Women and Medicare: Privatization of Medicare and Women

(February 1, 2003)

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BACKGROUNDER: “The Pulse” OHC Newsletter – Private MRI and CT Clinics

(September 3, 2002) Click here for Backgrounder

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FACT SHEET: Public Private Partnerships of Profit Over patients? The Facts About For-Profit Hospitals

(September 2, 2002) FACT SHEET

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FACT SHEET: Medicare’s Critics: Back to the “Good Old Days”?

(January 2002) FACT SHEET

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FACT SHEET: Privatization Fact Sheet: Why NOT Privatize

(May 2001) FACT SHEET

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FACT SHEET: Health Care Spending: The Facts

(May 2001) FACT SHEET

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FACT SHEET: Health Facts: Privatization

(May 1999) FACT SHEET

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